ACCESS - Sessions are $7 for 90 minutes, limited to 10 guests, online, pre-registration required.
Individual athletes must be 18 years or older.
ONLINE registrations and payments are REQUIRED for all Fitness Room sessions. Customers AND coaches must register in advance to reserve their space. No Walk-In payments are accepted.
Athletes must check in at the front desk prior to using the Fitness Room. Athletes may NOT enter the Fitness Room before their reserved session or stay after.
Only persons who have paid for a work-out session are permitted to be inside the Fitness Room. Guests, visitors, family members, etc. must wait outside.
User accounts for registrations must be established in the name of the Athlete using the Fitness Room; registrations and payments may not be made under a parent’s or coaches’ name.
For information regarding team training/renting the gym please contact us.